Transphormetic V6 – TalysisII & ryNTH

talysisII & rynth - paulPrudence
Rynth – Paul Prudence

Recently I uploaded video documentation of some of my VVVV work that has been shown to the public at exhibitions and at live VJ/Music events.

Talysis II is constructed with a loop of renderers, each passing its output to the next renderer to produce an endless visual information loop. The initial starting shape is a lowly white square or Quad, the final result is a set of complex symmetrical geometric patterns as the Quad is transformed a little in shape, position, orientation and hue as its ‘conveyed’ around the loop. One of the key attributes of generative art is in its use of repetitive of elements arranged in patterns or multi-form elements spread to produce a decorative space – Talysis II does this by simulating a recursive function using information feedback.

ryNTH is evolving object in space textured with a pre-processed coded video stream that reacts to sound in predefined ways. ryNTH concerns labyri(nths) and nths (unspecified ordinal numbers). ryNTH uses the Superformula Shader in VVVV.

‘A set of chattering memory satellites communicating with each other from different spaces’ – cm

3 Responses to “Transphormetic V6 – TalysisII & ryNTH”

  1. vade writes:


    I still await a DVD! ;) Seriously nice stuff. Subtle moves, Over on the Jitter list we have a supershape patch that got posted. I keep forgetting to do some realtime things with it. Oh. Realtime – requires some real time. I have none :(

    Lovely lovely. Keep it up. Glad you are posting regularly again.

  2. zeroinfluencer writes:

    Superb. In advance of a broken function.

  3. paul writes:

    thanks both, vade – the DVD is an ongoing background project, but when its ready be sure to receive a copy :)

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